One Year Down…

It’s official: I have completed one year of full-time entrepreneurship. And while my business isn’t necessarily new (more on that below) I still wanted to take time to reflect on the past 365 days, give thanks, and provide a small overview of how this thing even got started…

My Background

You may or may not know this, but I actually went to school for accounting and finance. For almost 15 years, I held various finance and accounting roles at CBRE, Target Corp, and most recently a Bank. And while I’m now an “interior designer” (feels so odd saying that) I’m still a business nerd through and through, and thrive on the back-end portion of the business.

In 2020, the pandemic hit and we were all stuck at home. Finding myself with much more free time, I decided to embark on a “side-hustle” and offer design services to friends and family. Alyssa Wray Design + Style (now Wray Design Co.) was born. Through 2021, said side hustle continued, but as the year came to a close, it was pretty evident that I was about to encounter a major crossroads; one where I needed to decide whether I was joining the Great Resignation, or forgetting said side hustle altogether. Spoiler alert - I joined the Great Resignation and on February 28, 2022 I left my cushy corporate job for the world of the unknown.

The Mission

The goal for this business was never to serve high-end clients. I can’t even begin to name all of the talented high-end design firms here in MN, let alone the United States, so I knew from the beginning I wanted to go a different route. For some time, I’ve admired what the key players in e-design (like Havenly) have been doing: attempting to make interior design more affordable. After all, the average American worker makes approximately $55,000 a year. And approximately 335 billion people live in the United States.

I can infer from those two stats (thanks, Google!) that much of the population doesn’t have a great amount of disposable income available to decorate or design their home. Which also likely means they can’t afford custom or to the trade only furniture. Enter direct-to-consumer product. Now, I know direct-to-consumer or “fast furniture" gets a bad rap. But here’s my question: what if all you can afford is a coffee table from one of those discount retailers? Or maybe all you want is to decorate your home with direct-to-consumer product and don’t care about custom items? Then what do you do? Enter our mission to make interior design and decorating more approachable and accessible. We do so by working with any and all budgets, and by only using direct to consumer product for our projects. We aren’t for everyone and I understand that. But I feel passionate about the services we offer and the greater population we are trying to help.

This Last Year

It’s been hard; really fucking hard. Anyone else familiar with this saying: Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life. Well, I call bullshit. There’s been tears - lots of them. I’ve been made job offers this past year that have tempted me to throw in the towel. I’ve made mistakes that have cost me financially. It’s been lonely; one thing I didn’t anticipate whatsoever. And that imposter syndrome is REAL… especially when you’re formally educated in accounting and finance; not in interior design and decorating.

But, with the bad has come good. I love the flexibility of being self-employed. I love the constant problem solving and pivoting. I love not having any red tape around decision making. And I absolutely love helping others make their house a home.

Thank Yous

So, for now, we forge ahead and we continue to grow! I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m excited and thoroughly optimistic.

Lastly, I couldn’t end this post without a number of a specific callouts - duh - so here they are…

  • My husband - this business has only worked because of your unwavering support and your willingness for me to take this leap! Without you, this could have never happened so thank you.

  • Missy Dietrich - for almost two years, every time I saw you, you would ask, “when are you going to quit your job and do design full time?” Although it got annoying at times, you were the constant push I needed. I’m so damn lucky to call you a friend.

  • Krystal Smit & Mollie Renteria - you both took a chance on me and for that I am forever grateful! xoxo

  • My clients - this business seriously doesn’t work without YOU. Words cannot express how thankful I am for each one of you.

PS - if you’re still reading this I thank you! And if you have any questions about the business, about myself, or about anything in general, please reach out. I always say, I’m an open book. Cheers to one year my friends!


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